Company Commercial Reports - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
CIR offers the most recent information on companies registered in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). We utilize an extensive network of local agents and informants in the region to keep our information up-to-date. We can provide both instant reports, generated directly from our extensive database as well as investigations, which provide most up-to date information on the subjects. Depending on the size of your business, we offer single reports, batches and order managements and for large customers - direct integration with our system via a REST API.
Available services and reports - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
We offer a collection of various reports and services including:
- On-site visits, including photos - to verify the physical presence and activity of companies.
- Court records checks - bankruptcy proceedings, criminal records of key persons, etc.
- Directorship and shareholders checks - identifying the management and owners of the company, also other companies and entities they are involved in. If you need other types of report, feel free to contact us.
Company Credit Score Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Knowing the creditability of the business partner is crucial for a successful business. Managing the risk related to trade agreements requires up to date information about the partners and their financial situation. CIR can provide you with both detailed report about the chosen company as well as overall and easy to understand scoring, representing the company reliability. We can also assess the considered trade credit amount and provide our recommendation.